Project Euler 705
Project Euler 705
Total Inversion Count of Divided Sequences
The inversion count of a sequence of digits is the smallest number of adjacent pairs that must be swapped to sort the sequence.
For example, \(34214\) has inversion count of \(5\): \(34214 \to 32414 \to 23414 \to 23144 \to 21344 \to12344\).
If each digit of a sequence is replaced by one of its divisors a divided sequence is obtained.
For example, the sequence \(332\) has \(8\) divided sequences: \(\{332,331,312,311,132,131,112,111\}\).
Define \(G(N)\) to be the concatenation of all primes less than \(N\), ignoring any zero digit.
For example, \(G(20) = 235711131719\).
Define \(F(N)\) to be the sum of the inversion count for all possible divided sequences from the master sequence \(G(N)\).
You are given \(F(20) = 3312\) and \(F(50) = 338079744\).
Find \(F(10^8)\). Give your answer modulo \(1\,000\,000\,007\).
一个结论:一个数字串\(s\)的置换数的值为\(\displaystyle{\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=i+1}^n [s_i>s_j]}\),其中\([]\)表示示性函数,\(n\)为字符串\(s\)的长度。因此这题的主要思路是,统计\(\displaystyle{f(s,x,y)=\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=i+1}^n [s_i=x\land s_j=y]}\)的数对数量,并且计算\(\displaystyle{\sum_{x=1}^9\sum_{j=i+1}^9f(s,x,y)}\)的值即可。并且,\(f(s,x,y)\)的值可以通过前缀和以\(O(n)\)的时间复杂度计算出来。
此外,令\(c_i(i\in\{1,2,3,\dots,8,9\})\)表示数字\(i\)的因子个数。那么按照题意,其整除列的个数为\(\displaystyle{M=\prod_{i=1}^n c_{s_i}}\).并且,令\(\displaystyle{g(x,y)=\sum_{a\mid x,b\mid y}[a>b]}\)。对于一对下标\((i,j)\),其中\(i<j\),那么这对下标的贡献为\(\dfrac{M\cdot g(s_i,s_j)}{c_{s_i}\cdot c_{s_j}}\)。使用上面的方法统计不同的元素对再求和,得到最终答案为:
\[M\cdot\sum_{x=1}^9\sum_{y=1}^9\dfrac{f(s,x,y)\cdot g(x,y)}{c_x\cdot c_y}.\]
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