Project Euler 333
Project Euler 333
Special partitions
All positive integers can be partitioned in such a way that each and every term of the partition can be expressed as \(2^i\times3^j\), where \(i,j \ge 0\).
Let’s consider only those such partitions where none of the terms can divide any of the other terms.
For example, the partition of \(17 = 2 + 6 + 9 = (2^1\times3^0 + 2^1\times3^1 + 2^0\times3^2)\) would not be valid since \(2\) can divide \(6\). Neither would the partition \(17 = 16 + 1 = (2^4\times3^0 + 2^0\times3^0)\) since \(1\) can divide \(16\). The only valid partition of \(17\) would be \(8 + 9 = (2^3\times3^0 + 2^0\times3^2)\).
Many integers have more than one valid partition, the first being 11 having the following two partitions.
\(11 = 2 + 9 = (2^1\times3^0 + 2^0\times3^2)\) \(11 = 8 + 3 = (2^3\times3^0 + 2^0\times3^1)\)
Let’s define \(P(n)\) as the number of valid partitions of \(n\). For example, \(P(11) = 2\).
Let’s consider only the prime integers \(q\) which would have a single valid partition such as \(P(17)\).
The sum of the primes \(q <100\) such that \(P(q)=1\) equals \(233\).
Find the sum of the primes \(q <1000000\) such that \(P(q)=1\).
如果\(n\)的一个划分为\(2^{e_1}3^{f_1}+2^{e_2}3^{f_2}+\dots\)是有效的,那么不能存在一对\(e_i,e_j\)或\(f_i,f_j\)满足\(e_i=e_j\)或\(f_i=f_j\),并且不能够同时满足\(e_i<e_j,f_i,f_j\)。因此假设\(e_1< e_2< e_3< \dots\),那么必须有\(f_1>f_2>f_3>\dots\)
令\(N=10^6,M=\left\lceil\log_3 N\right\rceil+1,O=\left\lfloor\log _2N\right\rfloor\)。考虑用动态规划解决本问题。令状态\(f(i,j,k)(-1\le i\le O,0\le j< N,0\le k\le M)\)表示当前对数\(j\)的有效划分方法中,满足\(e_1<e_2<\dots\le i,f_1>f_2>\dots \ge k\)的方法数。需要注意的是,这里的\(i=-1\)这个状态并非真正存在,仅仅是为了定初值,然后进行转移。
- \(f(i,j,k)\rightarrow f(i+1,j,k)\),这个转移方式说明序列\(e\)不会存在\(x\)使得\(e_x=i+1\)。
- 对于所有\(l< k,j+2^{i+1}3^l< N\),都有\(f(i,j,k)\rightarrow f(i+1,j+2^{i+1}3^l,l)\),这说明\(j\)再加上一个数\(2^{i+1}3^l\)就变成了\(j+2^{i+1}3^l\)的一个划分方案,并且还是保持有效的。
\[P(n)=\sum_{k=0}^M f(O,n,k)\]
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