Project Euler 238
Project Euler 238
Infinite string tour
Create a sequence of numbers using the “Blum Blum Shub” pseudo-random number generator:
\(\begin{aligned} s_0&=14025256\\ s_{n+1}&=s_n^2 \bmod 20300713 \end{aligned}\)
Concatenate these numbers \(s_0s_1s_2\dots\) to create a string \(w\) of infinite length.
Then, \(w = \color{blue}14025256741014958470038053646\dots\)
For a positive integer \(k\), if no substring of \(w\) exists with a sum of digits equal to \(k\), \(p(k)\) is defined to be zero. If at least one substring of \(w\) exists with a sum of digits equal to \(k\), we define \(p(k) = z\), where \(z\) is the starting position of the earliest such substring.
For instance:
The substrings \(\color{blue}1, 14, 1402, \dots\) with respective sums of digits equal to \(1, 5, 7, \dots\)
start at position \(\mathbf{1}\), hence \(p(1) = p(5) = p(7) = \dots = \mathbf{1}\).
The substrings \(\color{blue}4, 402, 4025, \dots\) with respective sums of digits equal to \(4, 6, 11, \dots\)
start at position \(\mathbf{2}\), hence \(p(4) = p(6) = p(11) = \dots = 2\).
The substrings \(\color{blue} 02, 0252, \dots\) with respective sums of digits equal to \(2, 9, \dots\)
start at position \(\mathbf{3}\), hence \(p(2) = p(9) = \dots = \mathbf{3}\).
Note that substring \(\color{blue}025\) starting at position \(3\), has a sum of digits equal to \(7\), but there was an earlier substring (starting at position \(1\)) with a sum of digits equal to \(7\), so \(p(7) = 1\), not \(3\).
We can verify that, for \(0 < k \le 10^3, \sum p(k) = 4742\). Find \(\sum p(k)\), for \(0 < k \le 2\cdot10^{15}\).
因此,字符串\(w\)必定也是一个周期序列。\(w\)的字符串周期为\(t=18886117\)。单个周期中,所有数之和为\(T=80846691\).因此有\(p(k)=p(k+T)\),因此这里只需要求出所有\(1\le k\le T\)的\(p(k)\)值即可。
为了压缩时间,考虑以下缩减时间复杂度的方法:在枚举起点的时候,如果发现对于某个值\(s\),\(p(s+1),p(s+2),\dots,p(T)\)都已经求解出来,那么在枚举区间右端点\(r\)时,保持\(\sum_{i=l}^r w_i\le s\)。每次枚举\(i\)时,都先要将\(s\)维护好。经过测试,这种方式让外层循环进行了不到\(100\)次,效率可以接受。
对于某个\(k\),计算出\(p(k)\)后,那么就需要计算\(1\sim N\)中有多少个值和\(k\)关于模\(T\)同余。这个值不难计算出是\(\left\lfloor \dfrac{N}{T}\right\rfloor+[k\neq T \land k\le n\%T]\),其中\([]\)是示性函数。
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