Project Euler 215
Project Euler 215
Crack-free Walls
Consider the problem of building a wall out of \(2\times1\) and \(3\times1\) bricks (horizontaldimensions) such that, for extra strength, the gaps between horizontally-adjacent bricks never line up in consecutive layers, i.e. never form a "running crack".
For example, the following \(9\times3\) wall is not acceptable due to the running crack shown in red:
There are eight ways of forming a crack-free \(9\times3\) wall, written \(W(9,3) = 8\).
Calculate \(W(32,10)\).
令\(N=32,M=10\)。先将每一行可能的状态都搜索出来,存入一个下标起始为\(1\)的数组\(st\)中。这些状态用一个\(N-1\)位二进制数\(b=b_{N-1}b_{N-2}\dots b_2b_1\)保存。其中,如果第\(k\)列有空隙,那么\(b_k=1\),否则\(b_k=0\)。令\(m\)为数组\(st\)的长度。
假设\(f(i,j)(1\le i\le M,1\le j\le m)\)为已经铺好了前\(i\)行,其中第\(i\)行的状态为\(st[j]\),那么可以列出如下状态转移方程:
\[ f(i,j)= \left \{\begin{aligned} &1 & & \text{if}\quad i=1 \\ &\sum_{st[j]\&st[k]=0} f(i-1,k) & & \text{else} \end{aligned}\right. \]
最终答案为\(\sum_{j=1}^m f(M,j)\)。
1 | M = 32 |