Project Euler 198
Project Euler 198
Ambiguous Numbers
A best approximation to a real number \(x\) for the denominator bound \(d\) is a rational number \(\dfrac{r}{s}\) (in reduced form) with \(s \le d\), so that any rational number \(\dfrac{p}{q}\) which is closer to \(x\) than \(\dfrac{r}{s}\) has \(q > d\).
Usually the best approximation to a real number is uniquely determined for all denominator bounds. However, there are some exceptions, e.g. \(\dfrac{9}{40}\) has the two best approximations \(\dfrac{1}{4}\) and \(\dfrac{1}{5}\) for the denominator bound \(6\). We shall call a real number \(x\) ambiguous, if there is at least one denominator bound for which \(x\) possesses two best approximations. Clearly, an ambiguous number is necessarily rational.
How many ambiguous numbers \(x=\dfrac{p}{q}\), \(0 < x < \dfrac{1}{100}\), are there whose denominator \(q\) does not exceed \(10^8\)?
因此,可以考虑对Stern-Brocot Tree进行遍历,枚举出Farey序列中有可能在Farey序列中相邻的分数,并统计。
另外,由于直接使用递归会造成栈溢出(分析代码不难知道,最大的递归深度将会达到\(O(N)\)级别),因此这里使用非递归的方式遍历Stern-Brocot Tree.
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