Project Euler 192
Project Euler 192
Best Approximations
Let x be a real number.
A best approximation to \(x\) for the denominator bound \(d\) is a rational number \(\dfrac{r}{s}\) in reduced form, with \(s \le d\), such that any rational number which is closer to \(x\) than \(\dfrac{r}{s}\) has a denominator larger than \(d\):
\[\left|\dfrac{p}{q}-x\right| < \left|\dfrac{r}{s}-x\right| \Rightarrow q > d\]
For example, the best approximation to \(\sqrt{13}\) for the denominator bound \(20\) is \(\dfrac{18}{5}\) and the best approximation to \(\sqrt{13}\) for the denominator bound \(30\) is \(\dfrac{101}{28}\).
Find the sum of all denominators of the best approximations to \(\sqrt{n}\) for the denominator bound \(10^{12}\), where \(n\) is not a perfect square and \(1 < n \le 100000\).
令\(M=10^{12}\)。如果需要求无理数\(\sqrt{n}\)的有理近似,那么我们将在Stern-Brocot Tree上“尝试”查找这个数。(这里使用的Stern-Brocot Tree是全体最简分数,因此最小值为\(0\),最大值则推广到无穷。)
最终,寻找到两个候选答案\(\dfrac{a}{c},\dfrac{b}{d}\),满足\(\dfrac{a}{c}<\sqrt{n}<\dfrac{b}{d},c,d \le M\)。判断这两个分数谁比较接近即可。
- 比较分数\(\dfrac{p}{q}\)和\(\sqrt{n}\),相当于比较\(p^2\)和\(nq^2\)的大小。
- 比较\(\sqrt{n}-\dfrac{a}{c}\)和\(\dfrac{b}{d}-\sqrt{n}\),经转化后,相当于比较\(4nc^2d^2\)和\((bc+ad)^2\)的大小。
1 | N = 10 ** 5 |