Project Euler 182
Project Euler 182
RSA encryption
The RSA encryption is based on the following procedure:
Generate two distinct primes \(p\) and \(q\).Compute \(n=pq\) and \(\varphi=(p-1)(q-1)\).
Find an integer \(e, 1<e<\varphi\), such that \(\gcd(e,\varphi)=1\).
A message in this system is a number in the interval \([0,n-1]\).
A text to be encrypted is then somehow converted to messages (numbers in the interval \([0,n-1]\)).
To encrypt the text, for each message, \(m, c=m^e \bmod n\) is calculated.
To decrypt the text, the following procedure is needed: calculate \(d\) such that \(ed=1 \bmod \varphi\), then for each encrypted message, \(c\), calculate \(m=c^d \bmod n\).
There exist values of \(e\) and \(m\) such that \(m^e \bmod n=m\).
We call messages \(m\) for which \(m^e \bmod n=m\) unconcealed messages.
An issue when choosing e is that there should not be too many unconcealed messages.
For instance, let \(p=19\) and \(q=37\).
Then \(n=19\times37=703\) and \(\varphi=18\times36=648\).
If we choose \(e=181\), then, although \(\gcd(181,648)=1\) it turns out that all possible messages \(m (0\le m\le n-1)\) are unconcealed when calculating \(m^e \bmod n\).
For any valid choice of e there exist some unconcealed messages.It’s important that the number of unconcealed messages is at a minimum.
Choose \(p=1009\) and \(q=3643\).
Find the sum of all values of \(e\), \(1<e<\varphi(1009,3643)\) and \(\gcd(e,\varphi)=1\), so that the number of unconcealed messages for this value of \(e\) is at a minimum.
不难发现,\(m^e\equiv m \pmod n \Rightarrow m^e\equiv m \pmod p\land m^e \equiv m \pmod q\)。
容易发现,当\(m=0\)时,为一个解。其余\(m\)满足\(p \mid m\)或者\(q\mid m\)都不是解。
对于其余情况,不失一般性,仅解\(m^e\equiv m \pmod p\),那么有\(m^{e-1}\equiv 1 \pmod p\)。
原问题转化成关于\(m\)的方程\(m^{e-1}\equiv 1 \pmod p\)有多少个解。令\(r=e-1\)。
设\(g\)为群\(\mathbb{Z}_p^{\ast}\)中的一个原根(原根:对于群元素\(g\),假设\(x\)是满足\(g^x\equiv1 \pmod p\)的最小正整数,如果\(x=p-1\),那么\(g\)为群\(\mathbb{Z}_p^{\ast}\))。根据原根的定义,对于任意整数\(i\in\{0,1,\dots,p-2\}\),\(g^i\)都可以和群元素\(a\)一一对应。
令\(m=g^i\),那么问题转化成\(g^{ri}\equiv1 \pmod p\)有多少个\(i\)是满足此式的。也就是说,有多少个\(i\)满足\(ri\equiv0\pmod {p-1}\),即\(p-1\mid ri\)。
令\(d=\gcd(p-1,r)\),那么就得到\(\dfrac{p-1}{d}\mid i\)。因此,这样的\(i\)一共有\(d\)个。
回到原来的题目,那么关于\(m\)的方程\(m^{e-1}\equiv 1\pmod p\)一共有\(\gcd(p-1,e-1)\)个解。
利用中国剩余定理的思想,并加上\(m=0\)的情况,关于\(m\)的方程\(m^e\equiv m \pmod n\)一共有\((1+\gcd(p-1,e-1))(1+\gcd(q-1,e-1))\)个解。
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