Project Euler 154
Project Euler 154
Exploring Pascal's pyramid
A triangular pyramid is constructed using spherical balls so that each ball rests on exactly three balls of the next lower level.
Then, we calculate the number of paths leading from the apex to each position:
A path starts at the apex and progresses downwards to any of the three spheres directly below the current position.
Consequently, the number of paths to reach a certain position is the sum of the numbers immediately above it (depending on the position, there are up to three numbers above it).
The result is Pascal’s pyramid and the numbers at each level n are the coefficients of the trinomial expansion \((x + y + z)^n\).
How many coefficients in the expansion of \((x + y + z)^{200000}\) are multiples of \(10^{12}\)?
预先计算\(i!(0\le i\le n)\)中分别有多少个质因数\(2,5\)。然后直接枚举每个项的系数,根据这个三项式系数的定义式判断是否有\(12\)个质因子\(2\)和\(12\)个质因子\(5\)。
不过,由于多项式中的项\(x,y,z\)是无序的,因此可以通过假定\(x,y,z\)的次数\(i,j,n-i-j\)满足\(i\le j\le n-i-j\),减少枚举量。
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