Project Euler 126
Project Euler 126
Cuboid layers
The minimum number of cubes to cover every visible face on a cuboid measuring $ 3$ is twenty-two.
If we then add a second layer to this solid it would require forty-six cubes to cover every visible face, the third layer would require seventy-eight cubes, and the fourth layer would require one-hundred and eighteen cubes to cover every visible face.
However, the first layer on a cuboid measuring \(5\times1\times1\) also requires twenty-two cubes; similarly the first layer on cuboids measuring \(5\times3\times1\), \(7\times2\times1\), and \(11\times1\times1\) all contain forty-six cubes.
We shall define \(C(n)\) to represent the number of cuboids that contain \(n\) cubes in one of its layers. So \(C(22) = 2\), \(C(46) = 4\), \(C(78) = 5\), and \(C(118) = 8\).
It turns out that \(154\) is the least value of \(n\) for which \(C(n) = 10\).
Find the least value of \(n\) for which \(C(n) = 1000\).
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假设函数\(f(x,y,z,n)\)是包裹\(x\times y\times z\)长方体的第\(n\)层所需要的方块。
- \(f(x,y,z,1)=xy+yz+xz\),也就是长方体原本的表面积。
- 对\(f(x,y,z,n)\)的参数\(n\)相邻两项作差,发现:数列\(\{f(x,y,z,n+1)-f(x,y,z,n)\}\)是一个等差数列,其公差为\(8\),首项为\(4(x+y+z)\)。
\[ f(x,y,z,n)= \left \{\begin{aligned} &xy+yz+xz & & \text{if}\quad n=1 \\ &f(x,y,z,n-1)+8(n-2)+4(x+y+z)& & \text{else} \end{aligned}\right. \]
\[ f(x,y,z,n)=2(xy + yz + xz) + 4(x + y + z + n - 2)(n - 1) \]
不过,由于这里是反过来求的:求一个最小\(m\)满足\(f(x,y,z,n)=m,x\le y\le z\)的不同四元组\((x,y,z,n)\)个数为\(1000\)。因此,\(m\)的上限难以确定,在这里拟定\(m\)的上限为\(1000\times 20\)。
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